100 questions from burypink on neocities!
Time and date you started this? August 11th 2024, 10:00 AM.
Age, Sex, Location? 17, transgender, North America.
Opinions on musicals? I don't listen to them.
Favorite snack? Fry jacks! Whenever my mom makes them, she has to hide them away so other people can eat them.
Have you ever been in love? Yes. I'm crushing on a friend right now, actually.
Favorite pokemon? Dragonair.
Mario Kart main? The few times I've played, it was either as Bowser or Larry.
Team Fortress 2 main? I've never played, but I'd probably play as a Heavy.
Do you laugh at Youtube Poops? Hotel Mario Bloopers is still kinda funny to me. I can't say it's made me laugh out loud, though.
Are you listening to music right now? Turn Up - Teejay, Nailah Blackman
Favorite shape? Shark silhouettes.
Do you believe in astrology? No. I know that I am a Taurus and was born in the year of the Pig. That's it.
Do you believe in the occult? I don't practice. I know it exists, though.
Opinions on Vocaloid? I think VSynth, Vocaloid, Utauloid, and CEVio are cool programs. I like seeing how people tune them.
Would you ever want to be a rockstar? Music isn't my strong suit. Fame's also pretty scary... I don't wanna be a celebrity!
Do you easily get stressed? I can if my mood's dysregulated. Most of the time, I'm pretty happy!
What is your favorite class in high school? Art and, if I get in, web design.
What pokemon type would you be? Dual types are allowed. Water, maybe Water/Fairy.
Rei or Asuka I have never watched Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Favorite HTML tag? The div tag.
Are you religious? Currently irreligious. I've considered learning about some religions, like Judaism and Islam, and seeing if I really connect with one.
Opinions on nightcore? It's just sped-up songs. Still pretty nostalgic.
Did you go through any major phase? I had a MASSIVE Vocaloid phase. I got CircusP's channel blocked on my middle school's wifi for playing it out loud during class.
Are you good at drawing? Yes! I prefer painting and pencil to digital. I've also helped out with art classes before.
Do you crack your joints? It's a habit. I've done it at least three times since starting this.
Do you read visual novels? I read comics and manga, but I'm not sure if they're counted as visual novels...
Can you sew? No. I've practiced suturing, though!
Can you cook? Only one or two things. I'm planning to teach myself so I can make some good food for myself. I'll have all the fry jacks in the world.
Most expensive thing you've bought? I don't know. If I can count the near-future, my college tuition...
Opinions on cosplay? It's cool. My friend has done some really impressive cosplays before.
What's your most hated band/musician? Taylor Swift. Whether it's her music or her actions, I hate any mention of her.
Are you a dramatic person? I'm pretty mellow, but I get hot-blooded about things I'm passionate about.
What emoticon do you use most? :P
Can a miracle certainly occur? I don't understand what this means.
Would you let a vampire suck your blood? I'd probably have a bunch of sanitary precautions. And only from the wrist. I don't need a love bite.
Do you have a celebrity crush? I don't know that many celebrities. None of the ones I know are that attractive to me.
Do you like snow? I love snow and rain. Here's a story my mom told me. When I was really young, there was a few inches of snow after a snowstorm. Apparently I wanted to go out in my swimsuit! Another time, I went sledding with only shorts and a raincoat. I guess I've always been a fan of the cold.
Were you really into Greek mythology as a kid? I don't think so. I'd read the same book over and over, but I don't think I was interested in the actual myths that much.
What are some things you could competently deliver a speech on? Child abuse and disability accessibility. I work with kids and do a lot of research on my own time.
Are you good at spelling? Yes. English and Writing are some of my best school subjects.
Skipping question 41! I've never played Touhou and don't find any of the characters attractive.
Do you think there's going to be a robot takeover? Maybe, and it's more human-driven than anything. I think "AI" will be used for more inhumane things as it gets more advanced. Mo Gawdat has some pretty good videos on the ethics of AI going forward.
Has science has gone too far? That depends on how that knowledge is used.
Would you be an angel or a devil? Fallen angel or corrupted angel. Something like that.
Sine, cosine, or tangent? Tangent.
Do you like licorice? It's not my first choice of sweet. I can eat ti, though.
What's one thing you can't stand that everyone else loves? Tiktok, AI, most mainstream games and books.
What books did you like as a kid? All I remember is reading a book about Iqbal Masih seven times. I re-read a lot of books, but I know for sure that I liked that one.
Can you play any instruments? I'm not good with individual instruments. Whenever I get a chance, I do like to strum guitar strings!
What song would you want to play at your wedding? I don't plan on getting married any time soon. I guess Purple Rain?
Do you believe in reincarnation? It's complicated. Rationally, I'd say not really.
Finish the sentence: "I'm just a guy who..." ...wants fry jacks.
Have you been to another continent? The only time I've been out of the country was to visit a family friend in the Bahamas. I don't know if it counts as off-continent.
What's your worst habit? I'm either withdrawn or extremely fixated on people. At any given time, I'll have one or two people that I constantly hover around. I may have a few other people in my social circle, but it's mainly those two people I want to talk to.
Favorite vegetable? Celery!
What's something stupid that scared you as a kid? A character on a kid's show that had the power to mess up people's hair.
What's one of your guilty pleasures? Making characters that could fit in the universes of stories I like. I've always had them be minor or isolated characters who are just observing the events.
Would you rather be a ghost or a vampire? A ghost. Feeding as a vampire would conflict with my morals.
What do you fear most? Global heating. Every day I just hope that it'll stop. I try to do my part, but it's the money-makers who have to set their greed aside to the world mercy.
Do you sleep with any plushies? I have a whale shark plush.
What hobby do you just not understand? Extreme ironing.
Do you like the taste of alcohol? I've never had alcohol.
Are you a hopeless romantic? Not exactly. I like thinking about romantic relationships, but never truly want to be in one.
Which deadly sin best fits you? Wrath or envy.
Which of your physical features do you like the most? My hair, even if I don't do much with it.
Are your ears pierced? No.
Have you ever been in a physical fight? Nope. I've been mild-mannered most of my life.
Where do you buy your clothes? I'd buy them either locally or online through personal stores like Etsy.
Where would you live if you could live anywhere? In the Pacific ocean.
Do you believe in magic? Or is it all a trick? Stage magic is meant to be a performance. It's about tricking the mind through physics and other sciences. If it's other kinds of "magic", I can't say I entirely disbelieve them. A lot of things are real to at least some degree.
Have you read Umineko: When They Cry? No.